What a Treat! Invisalign Works Great on Halloween

Invisalign is a commitment, like any other orthodontic option. Anyone who wants a straight smile must be dedicated to the process, the visits to your Invisalign provider, and the rules of wearing clear aligners. There is one time of year, though, when it’s easy to be tempted to not follow instructions, and that’s on Halloween. Here’s the treat though: Invisalign works great on Halloween, as long as you honor your dentist’s instructions.

Follow the Rules

First thing’s first – the biggest thing every Invisalign patient must do on October 31 and all the days that surround this candy- and mischief-driven holiday is follow the rules of Invisalign. Wear the trays 20 to 22 hours a day, clean the trays after eating and before putting the aligners back in your mouth, don’t eat or drink with the trays in.

The rules are simple and clear and anyone who’s been an Invisalign for only a brief time knows what they’re facing. There are no exceptions to how Invisalign works just because it’s Halloween. In fact, sticking to your dentist’s instruction on this day is more important than regular days.

Navigate the Candy Stash

You will be tempted to eat a piece of candy with clear aligners in place. No matter how great your willpower is, being surrounded by sweets of all kinds on October 31 (and the weeks before and after) is nearly impossible to ignore. Do your best.

You’re allowed to eat as many snacks as you like – just take Invisalign out first. You already know how this works. No eating with the trays in place, not even a little snack or a flavored drink. If you must indulge, be smart about it and pop those trays out before you enjoy chocolate or sugary sweets. Then brush and floss before Invisalign is locked back into place – no one wants any bad things being stuck in between enamel and tray while you’re out trick or treating with your nearest and dearest.

Respect the Costume

If you’re the type of person who loves popping in some fake teeth to give yourself a spooky zombie or sparkly vampire grin, this is the year to stay pure. No one will notice Invisalign on your teeth, but you could do serious damage to your trays if you try to adhere fangs to them or get fake chompers to stay in place.

Tweak your costume into nice instead of evil this time around or make a stunningly big and straight smile part of your ensemble. Whatever you do, don’t mess with the aligners. They need to stay healthy so Invisalign works through Halloween and beyond.

Rely on Your Chandler Cosmetic Dentist

The last thing any Invisalign patient wants after Halloween is to discover that they’ve irreparably stained, cracked, or otherwise damaged their aligners. If you can’t clean the shenanigans away, reach out to your Invisalign provider at Impressions Dental and get advice about how to proceed with your treatment. The setback hopefully won’t be too extreme, but the easiest way to avoid any setbacks at all is by sticking to Invisalign rules on Halloween and beyond. Contact us in Chandler, AZ, if you need help.

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