Chandler Dentures & Partials Near Me

Customized Dental Restorations to Replace Missing Teeth in Chandler Arizona

(480) 814-8888

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    Modern dentures are a reliable, customized dental restoration designed to look natural and feel comfortable. If you are missing an entire arch of teeth or multiple teeth in one area of your mouth, dentures fill those spaces so your smile can be whole again in both form and function. At Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ, we offer temporary dentures, partial dentures, and complete dentures. Find out if one of these solutions can work for you.

    Dentures and Partial Dentures
    Dentures and Partial Dentures

    What are the Types of Dentures?

    There are three main types of dentures: temporary, partial dentures, and complete dentures.

    • Complete dentures: Full dentures are designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Innovations in dentistry have made these familiar dentures more comfortable and natural-looking than ever before. A complete denture requires adhesives and covers the palate, which some patients have difficulty getting used to, but all major changes to your smile require an adjustment period. Complete dentures Chandler must be removed and cleaned daily.
    • Partial dentures: A partial denture is a great solution to replace just a few missing teeth. A metal framework is customized and held in place by a plastic, gum-colored base that blends into the rest of your smile. This solution fills in all the holes in your smile and is removable.
    • Temporary dentures: Temporary dentures can be provided while a patient is waiting for a dental implant or dental bridge to be completed. This is also an excellent solution for a tooth that is knocked out in an accident or sporting event. The temporary denture is secured in place with a metal wire, like a retainer, and can be easily taken in and out. Keep in mind that this type of restoration is not long-lasting and is only meant to be worn for a few months until a permanent solution is ready.

    The Pros and Cons of Dentures

    The goal in any dental restoration procedure is to find the solution that works best for your unique oral health. You may not like the idea of dentures, but once you get to know more about this solution, it may end up being the best option.

    • Convenient
    • Non-invasive
    • No surgery
    • Fitted immediately
    • Quick and easy
    • Reliable
    • Affordable
    • Confidence boost

    There are some cons to dentures, which a potential wearer will need to consider when deciding whether this treatment is the right one.

    • Don’t feel like natural teeth
    • Can become loose when eating or speaking
    • Require adhesive
    • Separate cleaning is necessary

    Your Chandler dentist will review all the benefits and drawbacks of dentures and other viable dental restorations so you can make the best decision for your lifestyle, budget, and smile goals.

    Dentures and Partial Dentures
    Dentures and Partial Dentures

    Alternatives to Dentures

    For the dentist Chandler patients who are not thrilled about the idea of a removable tooth restoration, there is another option: implant-supported dentures. Instead of wearing an appliance that covers the palate and requires adhesive, a patient can have several Chandler dental implants placed under the gum line and dentures permanently attached to the implants. This secure solution delivers stability and a long-lasting dental restoration.

    Get Dentures in Chandler, AZ

    If you have missing teeth, it is incredibly important to replace them so you can avoid bone deterioration, a changing face shape, a compressed or sunken-in appearance, and, of course, an unattractive smile. Missing teeth make you look older than you are. While a dramatic physical change will not happen immediately upon losing teeth, it is inevitable if you choose not to replace them.

    Schedule a consultation at Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ and find out if you are a good candidate for dentures to replace your missing teeth. There is a solution that’s right for your oral health concerns. Let’s work together to figure out what that is.

    Dentures and Partial Dentures