The Most-Loved Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Cosmetic dentistry is loved for what it can do to improve the appearance of a person’s teeth. Some patients love these treatments for more than just aesthetics though – they’re thrilled with the speed, minimal invasiveness, and ease with which they transform their smile. With the right cosmetic dental care, you can renew yourself, fall in love with your look, and recognize how others respond positively to you too.


When you want to fix every cosmetic smile problem at once, the go-to solution for many people is porcelain veneers. These customized, super-thin shields are carefully crafted in size, shape, length, width, and color so they blend perfectly and complement your appearance. Veneers are the be-all, end-all, life-changing, smile makeover procedure. Hard not to love that.

CEREC Crowns

Not every dental office is equipped with a CEREC machine like your Chandler dentist. Thanks to this bit of dental technology, an unsightly, damaged, or deteriorating tooth can be corrected the same day you visit the dentist instead of waiting for a dental lab to craft this solution for you. It’s easy to be patient when you know your problem tooth will disappear in no time.

Teeth Whitening

It’s hard to deny the power of a professional teeth-whitening treatment. Dental-quality bleaching materials dig down into the tooth enamel and break up stains and discoloration for a long-lasting whitening result. There is no sloughing off surface stains alone – this is serious work for an amazing result, and that illusion of perfection can happen in an hour.


Though no one is eager about the idea of getting any sort of orthodontics, most adult Invisalign patients quickly discover that their chosen treatment is better than they expected. It’s easy, doesn’t interfere with their lifestyle, still allows them some freedom, and corrects their oral health problem in about a year, often less. Plus, you can barely see the trays on your teeth – love, love, love.

Dental Bonding

There are some dental aesthetic problems that can be fixed in about 30 minutes with dental bonding. This super-easy, fast treatment is non-invasive – that means you are unlikely to need any numbing to undergo the procedure. A chipped or discolored tooth, a broken filling or unwanted tooth gap – problems like this and more can disappear with strategically applied bonding material.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be considered cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry treatments. No matter how you classify them, the implants fill in the spaces in a person’s smile with a surgical implantation of a permanent tooth root. Just one missing tooth, even if it’s a hard-to-notice molar, can wreak havoc on your entire oral health and affect how your teeth feel, look, and function. Replace a missing tooth with a dental implant and you give your smile new life.

Get a Smile Makeover You Love

Plenty of patients love the cosmetic dentistry treatments mentioned here, but there are many other treatments that might be right for your smile makeover needs instead. If you’re ready to love your smile again and talk about the upgrades meant for your teeth, schedule a consultation with Dr. Brigham Baker at Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ.