Society has a bit of a preconceived notion about dentures. They belong to your grandparents, they fall out of mouths easily, they’re a point of humor or embarrassment, and they sure aren’t reliable. The reality, however, is that modern dentures aren’t so bad. In fact, they are pretty great, especially when combined with strong, customized dental implants.
Why Dentures + Dental Implants Is Such a Great Combo
Implant supported dentures have proven conclusively that they are the next best thing to natural teeth. If you can’t have your own teeth in your mouth that erupted in there when you were a child, it’s time to learn about what can take their place.
Dentures aren’t the desirable solution for most people. Even though the modern version of this dental restoration is easier to work with, live with, smile with, and eat with, there is still a great desire by many to have teeth in their mouth that stick around, no chance of error.
The only way to get what you want then is with implant supported dentures. The development of this innovation has given so many people their lives back and reinstated their confidence.
How Implant Supported Dentures Work
Getting dental implants is a lengthy process, but it’s worth the investment and the wait. Here is what to expect from the implant supported dentures restoration:
- Dental exam: Your restorative dentist needs to review your oral health and measure bone density to discover if there is enough room to support the dental implants and put them surgically in place. Gum disease will also need to be ruled out or, if present, treated and healed before the process commences.
- Planning: Once it is determined that you are a good candidate for dental implants, there are more questions to answer. How many teeth need to be replaced? What is the location of the teeth? Is it an entire arch of teeth? How many dental implants do you need? How many dentures do you need?
- Surgery: The dental implants are placed in the jawbone, typically in four places if an entire arch of teeth is being replaced. Temporary prosthetics are attached to the abutment sticking out from the gumline during the months of healing.
- Completion: While your surgical areas are healing and the implants are integrating with the jawbone, impressions and measurements are sent to the lab and dentures are customized to your exact specifications. The implant dentures are snapped into place and secured where they’re supposed to be, permanently – no adhesives, no worries, no disasters. A finished smile.
Don’t worry too much about not qualifying for implant supported dentures. These implants are typically designed to be shorter than traditional dental implants – sometimes they’re even called mini-implants – which makes more people viable candidates for this life-altering procedure.
Don’t Be Scared by the Word “Dentures”
You can improve your smile in so many ways with modern innovations in dental restorations, especially if you’re missing many teeth. Find out if you’re a good candidate for implant supported dentures and learn more about this amazing treatment that delivers you to a new lease on life, a beautiful smile, and a strong, healthy bite. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Brigham Baker at Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ.