Dental Implant 101

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    Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. If you have spaces in your smile or are missing an entire arch of teeth, it’s time to consider this option. With the dental implant 101 information provided by Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ, you’ll have the facts you need to determine if this is a restorative dentistry treatment you want to pursue.

    Three Components

    Each dental implant is made of three parts that, together, form a complete tooth restoration:

    • A titanium, biocompatible post placed in the jawbone under the gumline.
    • An abutment attached to the top of the implant.
    • A crown or prosthesis customized and attached to the abutment.

    Natural Look and Feel

    Anyone who has a tooth replaced or restored wants the finished product to look natural. Dental implants always look like the original tooth, plus they feel and function normally too, doing all the jobs that your natural tooth once did, but better.

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    dental implants 101

    Support Neighboring Teeth

    Dental implants do the important work of replacing missing teeth, but they also prevent neighboring teeth from floating out of their natural spots. This prevents tissue damage, misalignment, and a mouth full of crooked and oddly positioned teeth.

    Patience Required

    Healing time is significant after a dental implant procedure. The implant must fuse completely with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration and this can take several weeks or even months. Every patient is different. Once this step is complete, all that’s left is to attach the permanent crown and complete the restoration.

    Not Like Dentures

    Implant dentures are customized dentures that are permanently attached to dental implants strategically positioned in the jawbone. Recipients of this option get the benefits of dentures without any drawbacks and replace multiple missing teeth at one time without needing an implant per tooth.


    Some patients need other dental work before the dental implant procedure can occur. These typically include the following treatments, both of which require significant healing time:

    • Gum disease treatment: Lost teeth are often the result of advanced gum disease and this problem will need to be treated before a new smile can be created.
    • Bone graft: Patients who don’t have a strong jawbone to support a dental implant need a bone graft to improve jaw density.
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    Bone Loss Prevention

    Dental implants aren’t just about replacing a tooth in your smile. When a tooth is lost, over time the jawbone will recede and lead to a compressed facial appearance. With a dental implant in place, the jawbone is stimulated and bone density is no longer compromised.

    Confidence Booster

    Missing teeth can tank a person’s confidence quickly and the longer you wait to have those teeth replaced the more self-conscious you will feel. With dental implants in place, your smile is completed, looks natural, and makes you look like a younger, healthier version of yourself, so your confidence improves dramatically.

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    Low Maintenance

    No one wants a dental restoration that requires a ton of upkeep. Dental implants are as low maintenance as you can get. Simply brush and floss normally and see your dentist every six months for a teeth cleaning and check-up.

    Alternative Solutions

    It’s dental implants 101 that this advanced restoration is not the only viable solution for missing teeth. If you do not qualify for dental implants or need a faster repair, talk to your Chandler dentist about dental bridges, dentures, or other restorations. There is always a way to transform and complete a broken-down smile.

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    dental implant 101

    Get Dental Implants in Chandler, AZ

    Enhance your dental implant 101 knowledge by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Brigham Baker and his dental team at Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ. Find out if this permanent smile makeover is the right one for you.