Tooth-Colored Fillings

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    Tooth-Colored Fillings

    One of the best repairs for a decayed or damaged tooth is a tooth-colored filling. At Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ, we use white fillings as both a dental restoration and cosmetic dentistry treatment to correct problem teeth and beautify your smile.

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    Problems Fixed by Tooth-Colored Fillings - Impressions Dental

    Problems Fixed by Tooth-Colored Fillings

    Tooth-colored fillings are usually associated with cavities, but this versatile treatment can address all sorts of dental problems, including:

    • Tooth decay
    • Cracks
    • Chips
    • Discoloration
    • Deterioration
    • Gaps
    • Odd shapes

    Fillings have the power to restore and repair teeth. They not only fix what’s going on right now, they prevent future problems from occurring by stabilizing a tooth, which means its structure is stronger, thereby benefitting neighboring teeth too.

    Types of Tooth-Colored Fillings

    The composition of a tooth-colored filling can vary, depending on the type of repair you need. No matter what option you receive, each is metal free and designed to give you a repair that is white and natural-looking, including:

    • Composite fillings: This type of tooth-colored filling is usually reserved for small- or medium-sized cavities. The procedure is designed to preserve as much of the natural tooth as possible and the composite material is tinted to match the rest of your teeth.
    • Inlays or onlays: An inlay covers only the top of a tooth while an onlay – also known as a partial crown – covers the top of the tooth and at least one cusp. This repair is used for larger fillings that require a more robust repair but aren’t big enough to need a porcelain crown.
    • Porcelain fillings: A very large cavity, especially on the chewing surface of the tooth, is usually filled with a porcelain filling which is strong and stain resistant.

    Silver fillings are not included in this list because, even though they were once the norm, they have become the least desirable type of restoration. Made with trace amounts of toxic mercury, amalgam fillings are unhealthy overall and can also damage teeth. Over time, these very noticeable fillings can turn a tooth gray and make it expand, fracturing the tooth and requiring additional repairs.

    Many people are opting to have their silver fillings replaced by tooth-colored fillings so they have a healthier and more attractive smile.

    Types of Tooth-Colored Fillings - Impressions Dental
    Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings - Impressions Dental

    Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

    It is important to have a decayed tooth tended to as quickly as possible. If you find yourself with tooth pain in between dental visits, get your teeth checked as soon as possible – dental problems do not go away on their own, they only get bigger. The sooner you address a problem, the less opportunity to grow into something bigger that requires more invasive restorations. There are plenty of perks to getting a tooth-colored filling:

    • Natural looking: No matter what color your teeth are, no matter if you’re having a prominent tooth treated or a molar, your composite filling will be shaded to match the white of your unique tooth enamel. The repair blends right into your smile so it’s unnoticeable.
    • Durable: Composite filling material makes your tooth much stronger because it bonds directly to the tooth. This offers maximum support and stabilization, prevents cracked, and seals the tooth off from invasion by food or bacteria.
    • Prevents problems: Because a tooth-colored filling does not compromise a tooth’s structure, and because it is making the problem tooth more robust with its repair, you are far less likely to develop problems in this tooth later.

    Well-done dental repairs will last for decades if you take good care of your teeth and gums at home and visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups.

    Get a Tooth-Colored Filling in Chandler, AZ

    If you suspect you have a cavity or have a tooth that is unsightly or needs a minor cosmetic repair, schedule a consultation with Dr. Baker at Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ, to discuss your concerns. We always offer the most conservative but effective restoration options for your oral health needs.

    Get a Tooth-Colored Filling in Chandler - Impressions Dental