What Happens on Your First Visit to the Orthodontics Office?

Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing, preventing and fixing problems people have with their teeth. If these dental problems are left untreated, they could result in chewing difficulties, speech problems and a diminished appearance. What happens during an orthodontic consultation with your dentist? In orthodontics, a consultation is needed to determine …

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Adult Teeth Straightening Options Guide

Wondering if some of the adult teeth straightening treatment options available today are going to work for you? Braces have come a long way over the years, which means there is going to be a braces option available to you that meets your teeth straightening needs. Because you do have options available for straightening your …

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Facts You May Not Know About Orthodontics and Teeth

Orthodontics is a field of study that you must enter with a passion for oral health, so it is little surprise that we often get asked what makes it so fascinating for us. For many people, teeth are just teeth. For those of us who deal with oral health every day, taking care of teeth …

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