Why a Dental Abscess Is Always an Emergency

You have mouth or tooth pain, a noticeable swollen area on your gums, and swelling and tenderness in your jaw. Together, these symptoms are signs of a dental abscess. This problem is not something that will go away on its own. No dental abscess will ever just fade away. You need your dentist’s emergency care …

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When Does a Dental Abscess Become an Emergency?

A dental abscess is an infection that starts in the mouth and can affect other parts of the body. An abscess usually starts as a gum infection, tooth infection or cavity. People who practice poor oral hygiene are significantly at risk of having a dental abscess. When is a dental abscess considered an emergency? A …

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Don’t Let A Dental Emergency Ruin Your Weekend

Emergency Dental Care When you chip a tooth, knock out an adult tooth, crack a molar or damage the teeth in any other way, we can provide emergency dental care. The sooner you receive professional dental treatment, the better. Emergency Dental Care Impressions Dental At Impressions Dental in Chandler, we work to customize your treatment …

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Experiencing Dental Pain? An Emergency Dentist Can Help

When a toothache continues for several days, when a portion of the tooth breaks off, or when someone knocks a tooth out, an emergency dentist is the best course of action. It is important to save as many natural teeth as possible to preserve the dental structure, to keep the mouth in good health, and …

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Dental Accidents Happen: Be Prepared

Emergency Dental Care Dental accidents happen – so when you chip a tooth, knock out an adult tooth, crack a molar or damage the teeth in any other way, we can provide emergency dental care. The sooner you receive professional dental treatment, the better. Impressions Dental At Impressions Dental in Chandler, we work to customize …

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