5 Methods for Treating a Broken Tooth

5 methods for treating a broken toothDealing with a broken tooth is more common in life than people think. Even though human teeth are extremely strong, the teeth could break, crack, or fracture in certain situations. This damage can cause severe pain and make your teeth more vulnerable to infections.

If you have a broken tooth, it is important that you consult a dentist as soon as possible. Here are 5 methods for treating a broken tooth that our dentist might decide to do to address your situation.

Broken Tooth Treatments

1. Ceramic filling

In order to strengthen the tooth, we may need to apply a ceramic filling to the tooth. This option restores approximately 98 percent of the tooth’s strength to its natural state. In some cases, professionals can accomplish this procedure with CEREC technology available in one sitting. Thus, people can fix a broken tooth in one visit.

Professionals may also use ceramic inlays or crowns after making them in a laboratory when the situation requires more resistant materials in thin layers (gold or zircon) or when the aesthetic considerations require the collaboration of a laboratory technician. In these cases, the professional will need to install a temporary restoration at the first appointment and install the final restoration at another visit two to three weeks later.

2. Dental bonding

If the surface of the affected vital part is small, the dentist may attempt to put a sedative bandage on the exposed part of the pulp. In some cases, it is possible to note a scarring of the pulp and a complete cure.

While waiting for the evolution of the situation, your dentist might choose to put a temporary filling, to rebuild the tooth.

3. Root canal

If a large area of the pulp is affected or there is a lot of pain associated with the broken teeth treatment, it might be necessary to perform a root canal. This treatment consists of keeping the solid shell of the natural tooth and removing the soft part pulp inside. If the remaining structure of the tooth and its support is in good condition, it is customary to proceed with root canal treatment at this stage.

4. Crowns

After completing a root canal treatment and addressing the pain, a dental professional might elect to protect the tooth with a crown. Crowns cover broken teeth and are useful when the integrity of the tooth in question is poor.

Depending on the situation, it is possible to manufacture a crown with the CEREC technology during a single visit.  Ceramic inlays or crowns from a laboratory are also an option when the situation requires more resistant materials in thin layers (gold or zircon) or when aesthetic considerations require the collaboration of a laboratory technician.

5. Implants

In some situations, the tooth may break below the level of the gum or bone. In the first case, it is possible to adjust the level of the gingiva with a laser directly to the clinic (laser gingivectomy). This procedure allows the dentist to clear the tooth and repair it.

In cases of tooth fracture deep below the gingiva or even up to the bone level, it is possible to remove bone and gum around the tooth to repair it.

If the tooth is broken too far below the gum and bone, it is sometimes necessary to extract it. Dentists usually follow this procedure by the installation of implants.

Here are 5 methods for treating a broken tooth but the best way to customize your treatment is to schedule an appointment with our Chandler Dental office by calling (480) 814-8888 and find out more about what can be done about your broken tooth.

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